
All people using a health or disability service have protection under the Code of Rights. This code is upheld in New Zealand law by the Health and Disability Commissioner Act 1994. To view more information please click on the following link: Health and Disability Commisioner website. Their website provides information in a variety of languages and you can listen to or read the information.

Code of Rights:

  1. To be treated with respect.
  2. To be treated fairly without pressure or discrimination.
  3. The right to dignity and independence.
  4. To receive a quality service and to be treated with care and skill.
  5. To be given information that you can understand in a way that helps you communicate with the person providing the service.
  6. To be given the information you need to know about your health or disability; the service being provided and the names and roles of the staff; as well as information about any tests and procedures you need and any test results. In New Zealand, people are encouraged to as questions and to ask for more information to help them understand what is going on.
  7. To make you own decision about your care, and to change your mind.
  8. To have a support person with you at most times.
  9. To have all these rights apply if you are asked to take part in a research study or teaching session for training staff.
  10. You have the right to complain and have your complaint taken seriously.