Mercy Healthcare

Street Address

72 Newington Avenue
Maori Hill
OTA 9010

Postal Address

Private Bag 1919
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand

Contact Details

<p>Phone (03) 464 0107</p><ul>
<li>Manaaki by Mercy</li>
<li>Mercy Hospital Dunedin</li>


Mercy Hospital is a not-for-profit tertiary level surgical hospital located in Dunedin, New Zealand. Our highly skilled staff provide exceptional care that makes a difference. Established in 1936, we are committed to continuing the legacy of our founders, the Sisters of Mercy.

Mercy Hospital Dunedin has six operating theatres, a two-bed intensive care unit, in-patient and day-stay beds, alongside a cardiac catheterisation lab (Mercy Heart Centre), modern oncology unit (Mercy Cancer Care) and purpose-built day surgery facility (Manaaki).

Specialist doctors from almost every branch of medicine consult with patients from clinic rooms onsite at Marinoto Clinic and Mercy Care East.