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KM Surgical & Dermatology Associates

Private Service, Dermatology

Dermal Fillers

As we age the skin undergoes visible changes such as irregular pigmentation, increased pore size, damage from the sun's rays and loss of volume and elasticity.  Other factors such as cigarette smoke can lead to premature ageing of the skin.  The pursuit of a suntan through sun exposure or sun bedding is now known to be a major cause of damage to the skin.  Also known as photoageing, this is believed to be responsible for almost 80% of the skin changes attributed to the ageing process.

Why wrinkles form
Many wrinkles occur when we use our facial muscles to create expressions and these are known as dynamic wrinkles.  When we smile our eye wrinkles become more prominent and when we frown the vertical lines between our eyebrows become more noticeable.

Dermal Fillers
Dermal fillers are becoming an increasingly popular treatment option.  With minimal down time patients can resume normal activities after the treatment and have the benefit of an immediately obvious improvement.

Dermal Fillers can be used to:

  • Increase lip volume
  • Enhance lip borders
  • Remodel or enhance cheeks
  • Correct volume loss
  • Fill tear troughs and pre-jowl sulci
  • Smooth nasolabial folds
  • Soften marionette lines and mental crease
  • Lift mouth frown and eyebrow droop
  • Soften forehead lines and crow's feet

Combination treatments with Botox® are often preferred.

This page was last updated at 3:16PM on March 11, 2024.