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John Clarkson - Ear, Nose, Throat Surgeon

Private Service, ENT/ Head & Neck Surgery


Rhinitis is the inflammation of the lining of the nose (nasal mucosa). The most common symptoms are a blocked, runny and itchy nose.
Rhinitis can be:
  • allergic – either seasonal (hay fever) caused by pollen allergies or perennial caused by e.g. house dust mite, pets.
  • infectious – e.g. the common cold
  • non-allergic, non-infectious – caused by irritants such as smoke, fumes, food additives
Treatment of allergic rhinitis involves avoiding the allergen if possible, but if not possible then corticosteroid nasal sprays and antihistamines are the usual medications prescribed. Sometimes surgery can be used to create more space in the nose (turbinoplasties) to improve breathing but this typically does not eliminate an itchy or runny nose. 
In the case of allergic rhinitis, the specific allergen (the thing that you are allergic to) may be identified by skin prick tests. This involves placing a drop of the allergen on your skin and then scratching your skin through the drop. If you are allergic, your skin will become red and swollen at the site.

This page was last updated at 11:18AM on September 16, 2024.