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Southern Cross Hamilton Hospital - General Surgery

Private Surgical Service, General Surgery

This is where you will come to have your surgery performed. The visits to your surgeon before and after surgery will be at their consulting rooms.

Skin Biopsy

Shave Biopsy: the top layers of skin in the area being investigated are shaved off with a scalpel (surgical knife) for investigation under a microscope.
Punch Biopsy: a small cylindrical core of tissue is taken from the area being investigated for examination under a microscope.
Excision Biopsy: all of the lesion or area being investigated is cut out with a scalpel for examination under a microscope.
Incision Biopsy: part of the lesion is cut out with a scalpel for examination under a microscope.

This page was last updated at 9:36AM on July 16, 2024.