
South Auckland > Public Hospital Services > Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora - Counties Manukau >

Breast Clinic | Counties Manukau

Public Service, Breast, Cancer Network Group

Core biopsy or Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology

In some cases if a lump or abnormal area is found during the breast examination, a sample of cells will be taken using a 'biopsy device' or a fine needle. The sample is then looked at by a pathologist, under the microscope. You will generally receive the result at your next visit or contact with our service. 

Sometimes further tests are necessary which may not be able to be done at your first visit.  You will be given an appointment for these and also be contacted again by the clinic to receive the results.   Your doctor will be informed of the results.  Whatever your diagnosis it is still important for you to be aware and visit your own doctor if you notice any further changes. 

This page was last updated at 2:42PM on March 6, 2024.