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NASC Hawke's Bay (Disability Support) | Hawke's Bay
Public Service, Community, Community Health
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
NASC (Need Assessment Service Coordination) Hawke's Bay is an assessment and service coordination agency that assists people with a disability, and their family/whānau, to maintain independence in their home and community, or a residential setting.
A needs assessment helps to determine a person's abilities, resources, goals and needs, in order of priority.
During service coordination we look at a range of options to meet your identified needs and goals. This may include a mix of privately and publicly funded services, as well as help from family and friends.
Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua
How do I access this service?
Contact us, Referral
Referral Expectations
Access to NASC Hawke's Bay is through referral from the following sources:
- people can self refer
- your family doctor, practice nurse or district nurse may refer
- other support networks may refer
Online link for referrals is www.nrcentre.co.nz
Fees and Charges Categorisation
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
Mon – Fri | 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM |
Public Holidays: Closed Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Hawke's Bay Anniversary (24 Oct), Labour Day (27 Oct), Waitangi Day (6 Feb).
Services Provided
Needs assessment and service coordination (NASC), Disability information and advisory services, Education and training, Carer support, Autism support services
Needs assessment and service coordination (NASC), Disability information and advisory services, Education and training, Carer support, Autism support services
- Needs assessment and service coordination (NASC)
- Disability information and advisory services
- Education and training
- Carer support
- Autism support services
Disability Assistance
Wheelchair access, Wheelchair accessible toilet, Mobility parking space, Assistance to move around, Support to make decisions, A longer appointment time
Hawke's Bay
Contact Details
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
(06) 870 7485 or 0800 339 449
Postal Address
NASC Hawkes Bay,
Private Bag 9014,
Hastings 4156
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This page was last updated at 10:13AM on August 8, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by NASC Hawke's Bay (Disability Support) | Hawke's Bay.