
Central Auckland > Public Hospital Services > Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora - Te Toka Tumai Auckland >

ENT - Otorhinolaryngology (ORL) | Auckland | Te Toka Tumai

Public Service, ENT/ Head & Neck Surgery

Voice Therapy

Voice Therapy is available at Auckland City Hospital in the Outpatient Clinic on Level 6 of the Support Building (Building 1).

Clinic hours: Monday to Friday: 8.00 am - 4.00 pm

Referrals can be made using the eReferral system on Clinical Portal. Please select ‘SLT-Laryngology’ as the service to refer to.

Alternatively referrals can be sent directly to the Central Referrals Office for Auckland DHB.  Please email a written referral to Central Referrals Office and specify that the referral is for voice therapy:

  • Email:

Voice therapy is provided by a Speech-language Therapist or SLT. The SLTs on our team are:

  • Naomi McLellan
  • Alana Brady
  • Cathy Allen
  • Caitie Houghton
  • Carlene Perris

Voice therapy involves assessment, analysis and management of concerns relating to voice, swallowing, breathing or coughing. It is essential that a person is examined by a Laryngologist, or Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist, prior to voice therapy.

At an initial voice therapy consultation, a thorough history will be taken, examining the history of the presenting issue, any triggers and potential risk factors. An auditory-perceptual, acoustic and physical examination will also take place at this initial consultation.

Following this initial appointment, in consultation with the patient, voice therapy may be offered and may focus on the following:

  • Advice to reduce laryngeal (throat) irritation
  • Strategies to reduce laryngeal (throat) tension and discomfort
  • Exercises to promote clear, strong voice production
  • Recommendations to improve safety or ease of swallowing.

If you have any questions about the voice therapy service at Auckland City Hospital, feel free to email the team on .

This page was last updated at 11:15AM on June 24, 2024.