Early Psychosis Intervention (EPI) Service | Waitematā | Te Whatu Ora


EPI Groups

Programme Areas

Mental health

Programme Type

Peer / advocacy / group / family whānau support, Non-acute specialist mental health community services


North Auckland, West Auckland

Age Groups

Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke

Referral Types

DHB clinical services

Referral Process

Referrals to EPI must be made via a Community Mental Health Team.  If you wish to make a referral to the EPI team please contact a Community Mental Health Team.


EPI offers a number of groups, though the most consistent group is RAP (Recovery After Psychosis) that is run each week.  This is a social and recreational group that offers a range of activities such as education about healthy eating/healthy lifestyles, cooking skills, bush/beach walks, anxiety management, mini-golf, laser strike, badminton, 10-pin bowling, juggling, gym exercise. Please see the leaflet about this group or talk to your key worker. 

Other groups run at different times over the year include:

Family/Whānau Skills training:
Held once or twice a year, on a Saturday, this provides an opportunity for families to learn about psychosis and to support each other in working out ways to best support their recovering family/whānau member. Topics cover: what is psychosis? medication, the impact of drugs and alcohol on psychosis, recovery and the future, and skills and strategies to help with difficult situations. 

We sometimes run other groups i.e. Women's GroupFamily Support GroupACT Acceptance and Commitment Group – please ask your key worker.
