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Needs Assessment & Service Co-ordination (NASC) | Counties Manukau
Public Service, Older People's Health
8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
All Needs Assessment referrals are processed through Community Central.
Community Central is the referral co-ordination centre for the Community Health Service.
Needs Assessment and Service Co-ordination (NASC) services are the entry into publicly-funded Community Support Services for:
- People over 65 years of age who have an age-related disability (Needs Assessment and Service Co-ordination 'NASC')
- People between 16 - 64 years of age who require support due to chronic health conditions and have a high need for long-term support services (Long-Term Support - Chronic Health Conditions 'LTS-CHC')
- Following surgery, an acute illness or palliative, short-term supports (STS) with personal cares and household tasks can be provided for eligible clients. Clients requiring long-term support refer to NASC or Taikura Trust [for Disability Support Services (DSS)].
Children under the age of 16, with long-term chronic health conditions requiring support services are assessed by Family Options. At age 16 - there may be a transition to CM Health NASC. (This service is provided by a regional NASC service under Auckland District, Te Whatu Ora at Starship Hospital.)
People covered under ACC (the Accident Insurance Act)
0-64 years of age with an on-going disability who require support will be assessed by Taikura Trust for needs assessment and facilitation of services
The assessment is to evaluate the needs, strengths and preference of the person. The assessment tool used is interRAI - an internationally validated needs assessment tool mandated for use by NASC services by the Ministry of Health throughout New Zealand.
Services - NASC will link you to the services [via contracted providers] to meet your assessed needs; these may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Home-based Support Services e.g. Personal Cares and Household Management
- Meals on Wheels
- Day Programmes
- Carer support
- Respite care
- Residential care – (NASC will give you subsidy forms to complete if you need to apply for the Government Residential Care subsidy).
Counties Manukau District NASC is committed to providing services which support the Positive Aging, Disability Strategy and the Health of Older People's Strategy. NASC has a range of professional clinical Needs Assessors and a wide cultural mix. Please advise if you prefer an Assessor of a specific ethnicity or require an interpreter and the service will do our best to oblige.
Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke, Child / Tamariki
How do I access this service?
Contact us
(09) 277 3440 or 0800 262 368 and request to speak to NASC
Refer using eReferrals or Care Connect.
For referrers outside of the Northern Regions District Health Boards, please email your referral form to
Referral Expectations
Information for referrers
The NASC Service assesses all referrals for eligibility, need and risk.
NASC will return referrals to the referrer if they do not have enough information or if the client does not meet the eligibility criteria for publicly-funded NASC services, you will be advised.
All referrals are screened and prioritised according to the Ministry of Health risk framework. If the referral is urgent, a Needs Assessor would be in contact with the client within 1-2 working days.
For over 65 years NASC - providing the client gives consent to be referred, a health professional, friend, family/whaanau or the client themselves can make a referral to NASC.
Please refer via eReferrals or Care Connect.
Long-Term Support - Chronic Health Conditions [LTS-CHC, previously IFP] - Applications are received by the NASC Service and are screened for eligibility using National and Regional guidelines.
For Long-Term Support - Chronic Health Conditions people aged 16-64 years with a long-term chronic health condition can be referred to NASC by a health professional. It is essential the Long-Term Support - Chronic Health Conditions application form is completed when making a referral. Please refer via eReferrals or Care Connect.
Household Management Support - to receive long-term publicly-funded Household Management [HHM] assistance clients must meet the eligibility criteria and are required to hold a current Community Services Card. For clients who do not meet the eligibility criteria for publicly-funded HHM support, these services can be purchased by the client through private providers [see the useful links below or view the Yellow Pages in the telephone book or via their website]. Short-term HHM assistance may be provided for up to 6 weeks, if the clients meet the eligibility criteria.
Information for clients
- If you want to refer yourself to the Needs Assessment service, please contact Community Central and ask to speak to Duty NASC
- A comprehensive interRAI Needs Assessment may take up to two hours; you are welcome to have family/whaanau/friend and/or an interpreter with you during this assessment. If you do not meet the criteria for publicly-funded services, the Needs Assessor will be able to discuss private payer options with you.
- The Privacy Act, Patients Code of Rights and interRAI information will be discussed with you on the Needs Assessor's first visit and they will need to obtain your consent for the assessment. Please ensure that all dogs are restrained when expecting the Needs Assessor to visit and that any hazards are identified to the Needs Assessor prior to their visit.
The NASC process consists of:
Completing an assessment using the interRAI assessment tool which identifies your current abilities, resources, goals and needs of the individual or carer/whaanau
The needs assessment will identify what your needs are and then establish the natural/informal (family/ whaanau and friends), funded and non-funded support services that are available to meet the needs.
Allocating a package of care considering cultural and spiritual requirements identified in the assessment, the service and eligibility criteria, with the aim of maximising your independence and maintaining your safety in the community.
Following a Needs Assessment and the co-ordination of the services, a summary of your support plan will be sent to you and to your GP. A support plan is a letter that confirms which services have been arranged for you and who the provider responsible for providing these services will be. The provider will then contact you to arrange implementation of the services requested.
If you do not meet the criteria for publicly-funded services, the Needs Assessor will be able to discuss private payer options or you can use the "useful links" below to locate a provider with whom you or your family can arrange to pay privately.
Other useful links and alternative community support (e.g. for finding providers for privately-funded services)
Age Concern
Age Concern provide Health Promotion, Elder Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Accredited Visiting Service, Handyman Fieldworker, Total Mobility Assessment, and comprehensive information support and advice for people over the age of 65 years, their whaanau and carers.
Telephone: (09) 279 4331 ext 800
The Eldernet website provides timely, relevant information about services for older people in New Zealand. The Eldernet website includes a nationwide database directory and information about: community groups and organisations, retirement and lifestyle villages and living, home help services, respite care and short-term options, aged-care services, rest homes, residential care, private hospitals, dementia care, public hospitals and other third age services for seniors.
Telephone: (03) 388 1204
Ministry of Health website
Seniorline is a national information service to help older people and their whaanau navigate the health system. It is funded by Te Whatu Ora, New Zealand. Seniorline provides information to assist older people to make decisions about staying at home, support for carers and residential care.
Telephone: 0800 725 463 or 09 375 4395
Postal address: PO Box 92189, Auckland, 1142
Taikura Trust NASC
Taikura Trust are the Auckland-based facilitators of support services for disabled people under the age of 65. If you are a disabled person, you may be eligible for Needs Assessment and Service Coordination funded by the Ministry of Health and provided by Taikura Trust.
Telephone: Freephone 0800 TAIKURA (0800 824 5872) or 278 6314 if calling from within Auckland.
Fax: General (09) 278 6315 or Referrals (09) 277 3890
Email: General or Referrals
Postal address: Taikura Trust, PO Box 23 054, Hunters Corner, Auckland, 2155
Fees and Charges Description
- Free for New Zealand citizens and residents who meet the NASC eligibility criteria for publicly-funded support services. Proof of residency will be required and asked for.
- Non-New Zealand residents – do not qualify and are not entitled to access publicly-funded services but can pay privately for services. [See "useful links"] or view the Yellow Pages in the telephone book or via their website
- To receive long-term publicly-funded Household Management [HHM] assistance, clients must meet the eligibility criteria and are required to hold a current Community Services Card. For clients who do not meet the eligibility criteria for publicly-funded HHM support, these services can be paid for by the client through private providers [see the useful links below or view the Yellow Pages in the telephone book or via their website ].
- Short-term HHM assistance may be provided for up to 6 weeks, if the clients meet the eligibility criteria after a recent health event that they are expecting to recover from, and only have a temporary disability.
- NASC do not provide publicly-funded gardening/lawn mowing and window cleaning services. These services may be paid for by the client through private providers or in some cases Work and Income may be able to assist.
8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
Mon – Fri | 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM |
Sat – Sun | 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM |
Telephone (09) 277 3440 / 0800 262 368 for the NASC - Community Central.
For any Needs Assessment urgent situations outside these hours please contact your own GP or an Emergency Department.
Public Holidays: Closed Auckland Anniversary (26 Jan). Open Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Labour Day (27 Oct), Waitangi Day (6 Feb).
Contact Details
Middlemore Hospital
South Auckland
8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
(09) 277 3440 or 0800 262 368 Needs Assessment - Community Central
General queries:
Health of Older People Services
Level 1
Middlemore Hospital
Hospital Road
Street Address
Health of Older People Services
Level 1
Middlemore Hospital
Hospital Road
Postal Address
NASC - Community Central
Middlemore Hospital
Private Bag 93311
Auckland 1640
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This page was last updated at 1:44AM on July 8, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Needs Assessment & Service Co-ordination (NASC) | Counties Manukau.