
Dr Cam Kyle



MB ChB 1980 Auckland; Dip Obst 1983 Auckland; MMedSc 1983 Auckland; FRCPA 1993

Title or Designation

Chemical Pathologist, Diabetes Specialist

Full NZ Registration Date

25 February 1982

Vocational Scope

Internal Medicine, Pathology

Contact Details

Dr Cam Kyle is available at the following services:

Public Services

Diabetes Centre | Auckland | Te Toka Tumai

This service is available at the following location:

Greenlane Clinical Centre

8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

If your communication is for a particular individual please make that clear. If it involves a patient please always quote the NHI NUMBER e.g. ABC1234.

See under "Other" for our team of nurses, podiatrists and dietitians.

LabPlus | Auckland | Te Toka Tumai

This service is available at the following locations:

Auckland City Hospital

Freephone: 0800 522 7587

Website: www.labplus.co.nz


Community Anatomic Pathology Service (APS)
All community referred Histology, Cytology and Cervical Cytology (ThinPrep®)
The APS laboratory is located in Mt Wellington

Phone:  302 0516  or  0800 256 356
Frozen Section & FNA Bookings:    639 0212
Customer Services:    638 0177  or  638 0176
Email: aps.info@adhb.govt.nz

Address:  37 - 41 Carbine Road, Mt Wellington 1060
Postal:     PO Box 14587, Panmure 1741

Greenlane Clinical Centre

Freephone: 0800 522 7587

Website: www.labplus.co.nz


Community Anatomic Pathology Service (APS)
All community referred Histology, Cytology and Cervical Cytology (ThinPrep®)
The APS laboratory is located in Mt Wellington

Phone:  302 0516  or  0800 256 356
Frozen Section & FNA Bookings:    639 0212
Customer Services:    638 0177  or  638 0176
Email: aps.info@adhb.govt.nz

Address:  37 - 41 Carbine Road, Mt Wellington 1060
Postal:     PO Box 14587, Panmure 1741