

MB ChB 1995 Otago; FRACP 2002


Gout and other crystal arthropathies, rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthropathies, connective tissue disease, advanced imaging in rheumatic diseases, outcome measures in rheumatic diseases

Title or Designation

Rheumatologist and Professor of Medicine

Post-Fellowship Training

University of Oxford

Imperial College London

Full NZ Registration Date

6 January 1997

Vocational Scope

Internal Medicine

Contact Details

Dr Nicola Dalbeth is available at the following service:

This service is available at the following location:

Greenlane Clinical Centre

Please email all correspondence to: Maria Lobo, Rheumatology Nurse Specialist mlobo@adhb.govt.nz 

Rheumatology Dept
Building 7 - GCC
Private Bag 92189
Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142.

If the correspondence is clinical in nature, please send it as an e-referral to either the treating clinician or to the Rheumatology dept. (rheumatologydept@adhb.govt.nz)