Pukekohe Community Action

Services Provided

Support programmes

Service types: Education and training, Pre-school education, Skills courses, Life skills, Pregnancy and parenting, Parent wellbeing, Parenting education, Food support.

We offer five programmes as follows:

1) Space for you and your baby. This is a course that runs for a year during term time and is available for first time parents and their babies. These courses run three times a year so that the babies are at a similar stage of development.  It is not necessary to commit for the entire year as many mums return to work before the end of the year.

2) Oasis Music and Play group. This group is for preschoolers and their caregivers and runs twice a week on Monday and Friday during the term. It is from 9.30 - 11am and includes music, movement and morning tea followed by free play with a range of activities available followed by story and craft. Gold coin donation appreciated.  This is an opportunity to get to know other parents who are in similar situations to you and to get support.

3) Selwyn group. This is a twice weekly get together on a Tuesday and Thursday at 9.15am for older people which provides companionship and social interaction in a friendly and informal environment. $2 per session. On Tuesdays a two course home cooked lunch is available for $5. 

4) Seasons for Growth is a grief and loss support group. This group is for children through to adults. This covers death, separation, divorce, high frequency changes in schools, absent parents (e.g. in prison). The programme runs weekly for a term both on site and in some primary schools and all high schools in the area .  We also run a programme for children living with somebody with a life threatening illness when there is a group of children in such a situation. 
