Waahi Whaanui Trust

Services Provided

Family / Whānau Support

We provide Strengthening Families (SF), Family Start (FS) and Whānau Ora Services

Strengthening Families (SF) - Strengthening Families has been operating since 2000 and is a means to providing coordinated support for whānau who are already working with two or more Government agencies. Agencies come together to better support the whānau; this enables solutions to be made as a collective rather than each agency working in isolation.

Family Start (FS) - Family Start is a child-centred, family-focused, early intervention, intensive home visiting programme that works with families with the greatest needs. The Programme is designed to enable families with young children to access a comprehensive range of welfare, health, education and other necessary services. The curriculum includes linking whānau to key specialist services as required and aligned with the outcome goals of the Family Start programme.

Whānau Ora Services - Whānau Ora is an inclusive approach to providing services and opportunities to whānau across New Zealand. It empowers whānau, rather than focusing separately on individual whānau members and their problems
