Waiuku Family Support Network

Services Provided

Financial Navigation

Our budget advisors are trained to work alongside you to teach you how to resolve your financial difficulties.

  • First they look at your income, and for beneficiaries this means checking you are getting your proper entitlements.
  • Categorise your spending, so you can see what you've been spending your money on! With your spending categorised, you can see how much you actually spend on each category, and then set realistic spending targets.
  • It may be that they can help to reduce debts by advising you on consolidation or re-negotiating payment terms.
  • Help you to set and manage goals - like paying off debts.

You don't need to be in trouble to benefit from a professional budget advisor's help. We can help anyone to understand how to manage their money better.

To make an appointment simply  e-mail (admin@waiukufamilysupport.co.nz), phone our office on 09 235 9099 or drop in during opening hours. Our friendly staff will take your name and contact details, pass them to the senior budget advisor who will call you, discuss your needs and advise you what documentation to bring and make an appointment to see you.

Our budget advisors may also be able to help with foodbank, clothing for young children, manchester and towels.

This is a free service.
