Onewa Doctors

Services Provided

Travel Health Advice

Another service offered to you at your GP surgery (primary care practice) is advice and immunisation before you go to another country. While you are likely to have the immunisations needed to live in New Zealand, there may be other injections you need to protect yourself before going for example to Africa or South America. In some places you will need protection from rabies or malaria. Yellow fever vaccinations are only available at approved centres; please click here to view the centres in New Zealand. Your doctor will be able to tell you what diseases you will need to be protected from in any named country and advise you on other medical matters. 

Whether you are enjoying the interlude with the big 5 of Africa, backpacking at the jungles of the Amazon, or going to Asia on a business and pleasure or simply exploring the globe just because it is there, we can help you stay well and reap the rewards of a well planned holiday/travel.