
Central Auckland, East Auckland, North Auckland, South Auckland, West Auckland > Private Hospitals & Specialists >

Sanket (Sunny) Srinivasa – General & HPB/Upper GI Surgeon

Private Service, General Surgery

Complex Biliary Surgery

The biliary system consists of tubes that connect the liver to the intestine. The gallbladder is also a part of the biliary system.

The commonest biliary operation is removal of the gallbladder- usually for gallstones. However, in complex gallstone disease or cancer of the gallbladder/ bile ducts, more extensive surgery may be required. This can require removal of lymph nodes around the major veins of the body or removal and reconstruction of the biliary system itself. Dr Srinivasa performs complex biliary surgery in his practice and can recommend this if required. Surgery can often be performed either laparoscopically or robotically to optimise recovery.

This page was last updated at 12:02PM on June 18, 2024.