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Dr Jan Sinclair - Paediatric Allergist
Private Service, Paediatrics, Allergy and Immunology
I have been seeing patients in private practice in Auckland since 2000 and have now relocated to Mauranui Clinic, Suite 8, 86 Great South Rd, Epsom. My initial training was in paediatrics, then further specialising in allergy and clinical immunology. I am happy to see infants, children and young people up until the age at which they finish school.
Common conditions referred for my assessment include:
- Food allergy and intolerance
- Eczema
- Allergic rhinitis
- Asthma
- Recurrent infection
- Urticaria
- Anaphylaxis.
Investigations and treatment may include:
- Allergy skin prick tests
- Blood tests (including “RAST” or specific IgE tests)
- Dietary modification
- Prescription of low allergy formula
- Allergen avoidance protocols
- Desensitisation
- Dietitian referral
- Provision of allergic reaction plans.
Dr Jan Sinclair
Paediatric Allergist
Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi
How do I access this service?
A referral from your child's GP, or from another Doctor is preferred. If you are unable to obtain a referral please provide as much information as possible so we can offer an appropriate appointment.
Contact us
Referral Expectations
To Make an Appointment
If you would like to make an appointment for your child to see me please telephone the clinic on (09) 869 3870.
Before the Appointment
You will be asked to complete a questionnaire about your child which should be emailed, faxed or posted back to the clinic prior to your appointment.
If allergy tests are likely it is best if your child is not given any antihistamines for 5 days prior to the appointment, as this will interfere with allergy tests. If stopping antihistamines is not possible then you should still keep the appointment, as there are other options to doing skin tests. Other medications (especially for asthma and eczema) should be continued as usual.
What to Bring
Please bring your questionnaire and doctor's referral letter if these have not already been sent to the clinic. Copies of previous allergy test results should be brought with you. Bring your child’s well child book, plus any previous measurements of their height and weight (particularly if there are concerns about growth).
Your Consultation
A child’s first visit may take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes. If allergy skin testing is needed it will usually be undertaken during this time. If allergy skin testing is needed for unusual allergens then this testing may need to be referred to the hospital lab, and generally an appointment can be made for this within 1-2 weeks.
Fees and Charges Categorisation
Fees apply
Fees and Charges Description
Dr Sinclair is affiliated with Southern Cross, so insurance payments may be able to be made directly. Payment will be made at the time of the consultation and a receipt provided. EftPos facilities are available. Fees can be advised at the time of booking an appointment.
Common Conditions
Atopic eczema is a common condition affecting up to 1 in 5 infants. While the "cause" is generally not known, having a family history of eczema and allergies is very common for those affected. Especially when eczema is severe, families and patients generally want to know the "cause" and identify a "cure", but most often neither of these is possible. For patients with eczema however it is useful to identify triggers that aggravate eczema, and in infants with severe eczema food is sometimes one of these triggers. There are generally many other potential triggers which can include soaps and detergents, other illnesses, scratching, changes in temperature and (in babies) teething. Since there is no cure for eczema, management generally involves: Identifying and avoiding triggers where possible. This might include: Keeping fingernails short to minimise scratching Use of loose cotton clothing Keeping bathwater tepid not hot Skin care which will generally include: Avoiding soaps and detergent Appling copious moisturiser Using topical steroids for flares in eczema. There is a lot of anxiety about use of topical steroids Identifying and treating secondary infection.
Atopic eczema is a common condition affecting up to 1 in 5 infants. While the "cause" is generally not known, having a family history of eczema and allergies is very common for those affected. Especially when eczema is severe, families and patients generally want to know the "cause" and identify a "cure", but most often neither of these is possible. For patients with eczema however it is useful to identify triggers that aggravate eczema, and in infants with severe eczema food is sometimes one of these triggers. There are generally many other potential triggers which can include soaps and detergents, other illnesses, scratching, changes in temperature and (in babies) teething. Since there is no cure for eczema, management generally involves: Identifying and avoiding triggers where possible. This might include: Keeping fingernails short to minimise scratching Use of loose cotton clothing Keeping bathwater tepid not hot Skin care which will generally include: Avoiding soaps and detergent Appling copious moisturiser Using topical steroids for flares in eczema. There is a lot of anxiety about use of topical steroids Identifying and treating secondary infection.
Atopic eczema is a common condition affecting up to 1 in 5 infants. While the "cause" is generally not known, having a family history of eczema and allergies is very common for those affected. Especially when eczema is severe, families and patients generally want to know the "cause" and identify a "cure", but most often neither of these is possible. For patients with eczema however it is useful to identify triggers that aggravate eczema, and in infants with severe eczema food is sometimes one of these triggers. There are generally many other potential triggers which can include soaps and detergents, other illnesses, scratching, changes in temperature and (in babies) teething.
Since there is no cure for eczema, management generally involves:
- Identifying and avoiding triggers where possible. This might include:
- Keeping fingernails short to minimise scratching
- Use of loose cotton clothing
- Keeping bathwater tepid not hot
- Skin care which will generally include:
- Avoiding soaps and detergent
- Appling copious moisturiser
- Using topical steroids for flares in eczema. There is a lot of anxiety about use of topical steroids
- Identifying and treating secondary infection.
Allergic rhinitis occurs when there is inflammation of the lining of the nose (nasal mucosa) due to an allergen. The commonest allergens causing allergic rhinitis in New Zealand are dust mite, pets and grasses. Sometimes rhinitis can be caused by other things, with the other very common cause in children being viral infection. Where allergy is the most likely cause of allergic rhinitis, the specific allergen can be indentified by allergy tests (most often skin tests), which helps you know what things it may be useful to try and avoid. Treatment of allergic rhinitis generally involves avoidance of the responsible allergen if possible, and the use of medications such as nasal steroid sprays and antihistamines to control symptoms.
Allergic rhinitis occurs when there is inflammation of the lining of the nose (nasal mucosa) due to an allergen. The commonest allergens causing allergic rhinitis in New Zealand are dust mite, pets and grasses. Sometimes rhinitis can be caused by other things, with the other very common cause in children being viral infection. Where allergy is the most likely cause of allergic rhinitis, the specific allergen can be indentified by allergy tests (most often skin tests), which helps you know what things it may be useful to try and avoid. Treatment of allergic rhinitis generally involves avoidance of the responsible allergen if possible, and the use of medications such as nasal steroid sprays and antihistamines to control symptoms.
Allergic rhinitis occurs when there is inflammation of the lining of the nose (nasal mucosa) due to an allergen. The commonest allergens causing allergic rhinitis in New Zealand are dust mite, pets and grasses. Sometimes rhinitis can be caused by other things, with the other very common cause in children being viral infection.
Where allergy is the most likely cause of allergic rhinitis, the specific allergen can be indentified by allergy tests (most often skin tests), which helps you know what things it may be useful to try and avoid.
Treatment of allergic rhinitis generally involves avoidance of the responsible allergen if possible, and the use of medications such as nasal steroid sprays and antihistamines to control symptoms.
Food allergy is a common problem, affecting up to 5% of children. Many food allergic reactions in children are mild and many children outgrow their food allergies with time. A small range of foods are responsible for most food allergic reactions some of which have a good chance of going away with time (e.g. milk, egg, wheat, soy) and some of which are more likely to persist into adulthood (e.g. peanut/nut and fish/shellfish). Food allergic reactions can cause a variety of signs and symptoms, including: Skin – rash, itching, redness, swelling Gut – tummy pain, vomiting, diarrhoea Respiratory tract – runny nose, sneezing, shortness of breath, cough, wheeze Cardiovascular system – faintness, collapse. A severe food allergic reaction or anaphylaxis will result in difficult/noisy breathing, swelling of tongue, swelling/tightness in throat, difficulty talking/hoarse voice, wheeze or persistent cough, dizziness (loss of consciousness and/or collapse), and becoming pale and floppy in young children. Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency – an anaphylaxis plan should be followed if there is one available and an ambulance called. Most often the cause of a food allergic reaction is apparent as there is prompt reaction after ingestion of a new food. Allergy tests (skin tests or blood tests for specific IgE) will generally be done to confirm the cause of a food allergic reaction. Ongoing management involves avoidance of the food in question, with follow up to determine whether an allergy has resolved. All patients with food allergy should have a plan for management of any further reactions. In the longer term food challenge may be needed to determine if a food allergy has resolved.
Food allergy is a common problem, affecting up to 5% of children. Many food allergic reactions in children are mild and many children outgrow their food allergies with time. A small range of foods are responsible for most food allergic reactions some of which have a good chance of going away with time (e.g. milk, egg, wheat, soy) and some of which are more likely to persist into adulthood (e.g. peanut/nut and fish/shellfish). Food allergic reactions can cause a variety of signs and symptoms, including: Skin – rash, itching, redness, swelling Gut – tummy pain, vomiting, diarrhoea Respiratory tract – runny nose, sneezing, shortness of breath, cough, wheeze Cardiovascular system – faintness, collapse. A severe food allergic reaction or anaphylaxis will result in difficult/noisy breathing, swelling of tongue, swelling/tightness in throat, difficulty talking/hoarse voice, wheeze or persistent cough, dizziness (loss of consciousness and/or collapse), and becoming pale and floppy in young children. Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency – an anaphylaxis plan should be followed if there is one available and an ambulance called. Most often the cause of a food allergic reaction is apparent as there is prompt reaction after ingestion of a new food. Allergy tests (skin tests or blood tests for specific IgE) will generally be done to confirm the cause of a food allergic reaction. Ongoing management involves avoidance of the food in question, with follow up to determine whether an allergy has resolved. All patients with food allergy should have a plan for management of any further reactions. In the longer term food challenge may be needed to determine if a food allergy has resolved.
Food allergy is a common problem, affecting up to 5% of children. Many food allergic reactions in children are mild and many children outgrow their food allergies with time. A small range of foods are responsible for most food allergic reactions some of which have a good chance of going away with time (e.g. milk, egg, wheat, soy) and some of which are more likely to persist into adulthood (e.g. peanut/nut and fish/shellfish).
Food allergic reactions can cause a variety of signs and symptoms, including:
Skin – rash, itching, redness, swelling
Gut – tummy pain, vomiting, diarrhoea
Respiratory tract – runny nose, sneezing, shortness of breath, cough, wheeze
Cardiovascular system – faintness, collapse.
A severe food allergic reaction or anaphylaxis will result in difficult/noisy breathing, swelling of tongue, swelling/tightness in throat, difficulty talking/hoarse voice, wheeze or persistent cough, dizziness (loss of consciousness and/or collapse), and becoming pale and floppy in young children. Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency – an anaphylaxis plan should be followed if there is one available and an ambulance called.
Most often the cause of a food allergic reaction is apparent as there is prompt reaction after ingestion of a new food. Allergy tests (skin tests or blood tests for specific IgE) will generally be done to confirm the cause of a food allergic reaction. Ongoing management involves avoidance of the food in question, with follow up to determine whether an allergy has resolved. All patients with food allergy should have a plan for management of any further reactions. In the longer term food challenge may be needed to determine if a food allergy has resolved.
Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction which can be life threatening. Triggers of anaphylaxis can include insect stings, drugs and foods. Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency and urgent medical attention should always be sought. Common signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis are listed on the ASCIA anaphylaxis plans and these are: difficult/noisy breathing swelling of tongue swelling/tightness in throat difficulty talking and/or hoarse voice wheeze or persistent cough loss of consciousness and/or collapse pale and floppy (in young children). If there is a history of an anaphylactic reaction, management generally involves: identifying the trigger - this may be obvious on history, and will often require confirmatory tests education on avoidance to try and prevent further episodes development of an anaphylaxis action plan, which will most often include the use of an adrenaline autoinjector (EpiPen or AnaPen).
Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction which can be life threatening. Triggers of anaphylaxis can include insect stings, drugs and foods. Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency and urgent medical attention should always be sought. Common signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis are listed on the ASCIA anaphylaxis plans and these are: difficult/noisy breathing swelling of tongue swelling/tightness in throat difficulty talking and/or hoarse voice wheeze or persistent cough loss of consciousness and/or collapse pale and floppy (in young children). If there is a history of an anaphylactic reaction, management generally involves: identifying the trigger - this may be obvious on history, and will often require confirmatory tests education on avoidance to try and prevent further episodes development of an anaphylaxis action plan, which will most often include the use of an adrenaline autoinjector (EpiPen or AnaPen).
Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction which can be life threatening. Triggers of anaphylaxis can include insect stings, drugs and foods. Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency and urgent medical attention should always be sought.
Common signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis are listed on the ASCIA anaphylaxis plans and these are:
- difficult/noisy breathing
- swelling of tongue
- swelling/tightness in throat
- difficulty talking and/or hoarse voice
- wheeze or persistent cough
- loss of consciousness and/or collapse
- pale and floppy (in young children).
If there is a history of an anaphylactic reaction, management generally involves:
- identifying the trigger - this may be obvious on history, and will often require confirmatory tests
- education on avoidance to try and prevent further episodes
- development of an anaphylaxis action plan, which will most often include the use of an adrenaline autoinjector (EpiPen or AnaPen).
Disability Assistance
Wheelchair access, Wheelchair accessible toilet, Mobility parking space
There is ample free patient parking provided in front of the clinic.
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Contact Details
Mauranui Clinic, 86 Great South Road, Epsom, Auckland
Central Auckland
(09) 869 3870
Healthlink EDI
Suite 8, 86 Great South Road
Auckland 1023
Street Address
Suite 8, 86 Great South Road
Auckland 1023
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This page was last updated at 9:33AM on June 20, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Dr Jan Sinclair - Paediatric Allergist.