
North Auckland > Public Hospital Services > Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand Waitematā >

Urology Services | Waitematā | Te Whatu Ora

Public Service, Urology


This term means blood in the urine and may be the result of inflammation or other problems with your kidneys, blockages in your ureter, infection or other problems with your bladder or problems with your prostate.

Haematuria can be termed Macroscopic Haematuria (if blood can be seen in the urine when it is passed from the bladder) or Microscopic Haematuria (when the blood in the urine is not visible to the naked eye, but red blood cells can be seen under the microscope in the laboratory). 

Patients referred with both microscopic and macroscopic haematuria will be posted a Cx Bladder Triage urine test request form to take to Labtests within 30 days of referral.  An appointment will also be arranged for a renal tract ultrasound scan (scan of kidneys and bladder (plus prostate in men) .

The Cx Bladder Triage urine test  and ultrasound scan results will be checked by a senior urology nurse in the urology department. The patient will be informed of the results and notified if any further action is required.

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This page was last updated at 10:11AM on October 3, 2023.